Solar Options

We can help you choose a plan that makes the most sense for you.

Your Power Your Choice

You should have options when it comes to your power bill. We’re here to give you information and recommendations so you can pick what makes the most sense.

Here are the Plans We Offer

Solar Purchase

Purchase your solar panels and see immediate monthly savings on your power bill.
  • No monthly payment
  • Maintenance options available
  • Solar panel and workmanship warranty
  • Benefit from tax credits and incentives (if applicable)
  • Solar panel ownership

Solar Loans

Finance your purchase with an affordable monthly payment.
  • Low monthly loan payment to financing partners
  • Maintenance options available
  • Solar panel and workmanship warranty
  • Benefit from tax credits and incentives
  • Solar panel ownership with no upfront cost

Solar PPA

Go solar for no upfront cost and only pay for the power you produce.
  • Easy transferability
  • Low monthly loan payment to BS Global
  • Maintenance included
  • Solar panel and workmanship warranty
  • No upfront cost, potential to save on your utility bill
  • Only pay for energy the panels produce

Solar Lease

Go solar for no upfront cost and only pay for the power you produce.
  • Easy transferability
  • Low monthly payment
  • Maintenance included
  • Solar panel and workmanship warranty
  • No upfront cost, potential to save on your utility bill
  • Flat rate every month, no surprises

Find Out if Switching to Solar is Right for You